Health Information
The country of Mexico, including Baja, has a high incidence of Hepatitis A, a contagious liver disease. While we take all precautionary steps to prevent the spread of Hepatitis A at our hotel and on our trips for complete protection we recommend our clients get vaccinated for Hepatitis A, readily available at most health clinics. Check with your physician for more information.
As of November 2016, there have been less than 10 reported cases of Zika in Baja. We always recommend insect repellent or insect repellent clothing. Mosquitoes in Baja are known to carry Dengue fever and we encourage you to take steps to avoid getting bitten, both in town and on the island. Fortunately, insects are NOT much of an issue most of our winter and spring season and repellants are very effective. October and November are the months with the highest insect abundance (mosquitoes and no-see-ums) following the rainy season. We recommend contacting the CDC for the most current information concerning the Zika virus in Southern Baja.